Direct Primary Care (DPC) Cartoon
Well look what we have here! A bite sized, chewable little video that explains DPC. I will put this here so folks can enjoy and share!
Chose websites that end in .gov or .edu first and .org second ( is a good one). Websites like mine that end in .com are generally just purchased webspace, but an educational organization or governmental organization would likely have more trustworthy & honest information and not just some random person's opinion.
Don't trust news sources for your health information. Check their sources. Oftentimes the media will blow a small irrelevant thing out of proportion to make a good story sell. Go to the original site.
Feel free to crowd source but always remember: everyone is an expert in their own experience, not yours. So when Aunt Tilly says coconut oil cured her psoriasis take it with a little grain of salt.